Beyond Conformity – Celebrating Uniqueness : Archana Chandra

As humans we have an innate need to belong. However, this fierce need often leads to a deep craving to conform to the rules of the society we live in. Hence we behave in ways that are expected of us- we do this for ourselves and expect others to follow suit. Such is the banality of this conformity – anything different from the so-called normal is considered an aberration.

Individuals with Intellectual Disability (ID) are by nature non conformists. They navigate the world blissfully unaware of the norms. It is we, in our desire for uniformity and due to our ignorance, who try to find a solution to what we consider a complex issue. The truth is, disability is not a disease that needs a cure, nor a problem that requires a fix. It’s a condition that needs to be understood that adds diversity to our society.

Much of the ignorance around ID comes from it being almost an invisible condition. It often goes unnoticed and is often misunderstood. Persons with Intellectual disability’s ability to learn and function in daily life is limited as compared to others their age. ID varies and can be of different levels which determines the impact on learning and adaptive functioning of the individual. This doesn’t mean that they can not learn – we need to relook at the way we teach and adapt it in ways that are more applicable.

With 2% of India’s population (1 in 50 people) affected by ID – the call for INCLUSION is not only important but extremely urgent.

What does true inclusion even mean? First is AWARENESS – the knowledge that each one of us is different, no two people are the same and there is absolutely no reason that they should be. Then ACCEPTANCE and celebration of these differences. Only then will true INCLUSION follow.


True inclusion really begins with an ‘I’. Acceptance of who you truly are, identifying your strengths, owning your idiosyncrasies and celebrating your uniqueness.

It begins with kindness – to yourself first. It is only when we are kind to ourselves, and allow ourselves to be the people we are meant to be, can we then accept and extend the same kindness to others.

A society that includes all is stronger for all. We need to make conscious choices, readjust our lens and when the opportunity arises, step up and consciously CHOOSE TO INCLUDE all. When we truly believe that diversity enriches our collective experience, is when the magic will unravel. For we must remember, even those who do not conform, have absolutely every right to belong.

“Ring the bell, that still can ring
Forget the perfect offering
There is a crack in everything,
That is how light gets in”
-Leonard Cohen


aidbees is striving every day to see a kinder world. On their platform, the company is offering a one-stop solution for “kindness,” which is definitely the need of the hour. Beginning to do one kind act every day will inculcate kindness within our hearts naturally, and we can be looking to do that through aidbees. Come join us in the journey of making a kinder world!

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About The Guest Author Archana Chandra the CEO & Board Member of Jai Vakeel Foundation & Research Centre, India’s largest and oldest non-profit working in the space of Intellectual Disabilities (ID). She serves as the Trustee of Society for Rehabilitation of Crippled Children (SRCC), which in collaboration with Narayan Health has built one of the largest paediatric hospitals in the country. She also serves on the Advisory Board of Antarang Foundation, which works to build self-reliance in at-risk youth. Prior to her current positions, Archana has worked in various marketing, public relations, and human resources roles

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