aidbees the social kindness platform

Beyond Conformity – Celebrating Uniqueness : Archana Chandra
As humans we have an innate need to belong. However, this fierce need often leads to a deep craving to conform to the rules of the society we live in. Hence we behave in ways that are expected of us-...
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Building a Kinder World- Corporate Commitment To Inclusion Driving Global Change : Shashwati P.
Corporations worldwide are increasingly recognizing that fostering a culture of diversity and inclusion is not just a social responsibility but a strategic imperative. This commitment is driving substantial global change, fostering environments where every individual is valued, and contributing to...
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World Environment Day- Threads4Good : How a group of teenagers have successfully recycled 2000+ Kgs of Waste?
June 5th is the World Environment Day and the inspiring story of these two youngsters is a testament to how much recycling is needed to save our planet that we so dearly inhabit- specifically in the fashion textile industry. Textile...
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Conquering The World Marathon Majors – How My Journey with Running Became More Meaningful : Gautham CB
Running has been an integral part of my life, a journey that started unexpectedly during my years in the National Cadet Corps (NCC) at college. What began as a form of punishment soon blossomed into a deep-seated passion, transforming not...
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How to Utilise Your Summer Break to Full Potential? : Priya Gambhir
Summer vacation is a time to refresh, recharge, and rediscover the joys of learning beyond the classroom. But how do children and parents ensure that?  As the school gates close and the warm embrace of summer envelops us, students embark...
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How Buddhism Teaches Us Invaluable Lessons on Kindness
On Gautam Buddha’s birthday today, let's explore the various themes of kindness within Buddhism and learn how he taught the world to be compassionate and more human- all while focusing on self reflection and social welfare!  Believed to be born...
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Reflecting on Running with Kindness: A Revisit To How TCSW 10K, 2023 Transformed Countless Lives!
The Running Community is tied up to the knot of philanthropy as not just a supportive structure, but also as a resolution to derive more impactful meaning and I'm only grateful to be a part of this community! Kindness runs...
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Why Should The Corporates Care? : A Look At The Ever Expanding Role of Corporates and CSR in Enabling Social Welfare
In an era where corporate success is often measured by financial metrics and analytics, the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has emerged as a vital aspect of businesses across the world. Beyond profit margins and market shares, corporates are...
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How Important Are Non Profits For Social Welfare At Present? : Celebrating World NGO Day with aidbees
In a world often overshadowed by the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it's crucial to pause and recognize the unsung heroes working tirelessly for the betterment of society. World NGO Day serves as a poignant reminder of the vital...
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Padma Awards 2024 for Social Work: A sneak peek at the journeys of the unsung kindness warriors
On the eve of the 75th Republic Day, the Government announced the long list of Padma Awardees for 2023-24. What caught the attention was the winners in the social work field and how their journeys have resulted in a massive...
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