
How Employment Can Improve the Livelihood of Poor "Development happens through jobs" This statement sums up the reality that the exit to poverty and poor households is creating an expansion of employment and this is the way economies grow and...
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Human Rights
Basics of Human Rights Human rights are needed to live a life with dignity. These are certain basic rights that all Human beings are entitled to. Human rights include civil and political rights, such as: * The right to freedom...
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Health, Nutrition & Wellbeing
Importance of Health Sector on Growth of Any Country Health be it mental or physical is imperative for the growth of any country. Within the health sector, India has made enormous strides over the past decades. The lifespan has crossed...
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Gender Equality and Women Empowerment
Gender Equality in India  Gender equality may be a fundamental right yet as per India’s last census in 2011, female literacy stands at 65.46% compared to 82.14% of males. it's believed that for every 100 girls in rural India only...
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Environment and Disaster Management
Effects of Globalization on the Environment In the name of development and globalisation, the degradation of the environment is causing severe adverse effects on the environment and the health of people at large. Our development and health are DIRECTLY dependent...
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Ways to Improve the Quality of Life for the Elderly Ageing doesn't just affect the elderly it affects the whole population in one way or the other. The ageing of the population is an inevitable and irreversible reality. Our efforts...
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Children and Education
Impact of Covid-19 on Education Reachability to Poor UNDP sustainable goals define education as the enabler for upward socioeconomic mobility and a key component to escaping poverty. Over the past decade, major progress has been made globally towards increasing access...
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Differently Abled
Advocate, Support and Empower Differently People in India World Bank Report on differently abled persons in India, has observed that there's growing evidence that folks with disabilities comprise between 5 and 8 per cent of the Indian population (around 55...
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Community Development
Importance of Community Development Community development is defined by the United Nations as a process where the conditions of social and economic progress are created through participation within the community and reliance on community initiatives. Different communities tend to use...
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Youth and Livelihood
 Working on Youth Empowerment  Youth as defined by the United Nations is anyone between the ages of 15 and 24. The youth makes up for one-fourth of the population in India and are amongst the most vulnerable. Many of our...
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