Environment and Disaster Management

Effects of Globalization on the Environment

In the name of development and globalisation, the degradation of the environment is causing severe adverse effects on the environment and the health of people at large.

Our development and health are DIRECTLY dependent on a healthy environment. Clean water, air and soil are the foremost important for socio-economic, health and other development activities. We are aware that air, soil and water should be intact without any pollution and in a balance, interacting with one another, for the survival of human beings on the planet.

The rapid burning of fuelwood and biomass like dried waste from livestock as the primary source of energy, lack of organised garbage and waste removal services, lack of sewage treatment operations, lack of flood control and monsoon water drainage system, diversion of consumer waste into rivers, using the massive surface area for burial purposes, air pollution, water pollution, lack of toilets are a few of the key environmental issues India faces today.

Coupled with the above are our ever-increasing population growth adding pressure to environmental issues and their resources. We need to become aware of our environment and started working towards saving it. Let’s aid the organisations working towards environment and disaster management.

Chirag-Rural Development Foundation



Centre for Agriculture and Rural Development [CARD]

Marathwada NAvnirman LOKayat (MANAVLOK)

Dhara Sansthan



Prakratik Society 

Help Foundation J&K

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