The Joy of Kindness

The joy of spreading kindness in the world has been a virtue that I grew up observing my parents all my childhood. There were times when we children in the house would feel neglected by the kindness showered by our parents to strangers.

My siblings and I would often jest with them asking them to be as generous towards us…Embedded with these memories I started on my journey of life in the social sector. Work was always more satisfying when people around me no matter what geography or social surrounding I worked in made me a part of their life by sharing their stories over a cup of tea or a meal offered generously by them. The smiles on their faces as my team and I walked by, the little food packages kept aside for us if they realized we liked something or were missing something cooked in our homes…tiny gestures yet I carry them with me for life.

The power of sharing!

In aidbees I saw a perfect culmination of my personal virtues and my professional learnings. I firmly believe that we all want to partake in the journey of kindness yet may be lost in operationalizing it.  The one life lesson that I learnt in my work on the field was that no matter how rich or poor we are its the kindness that matters in the end. And at aidbees we are trying our hardest to ensure you that you can come and join our movement of sharing kindness by donating your time, money or effort. Even an old act of kindness can inspire many more like us to join in the movement! So come and share with us @aidbees

–  Zamrooda Khanday

#Sharing #Donations #Volunteer #Kindness #aidbees #Joy

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