aidbees the social kindness platform

Why should students be involved in social work and volunteering? : Dr. Swati Popat Vats
When I was in school, we had a subject called – Social Service, as part of this we had to ensure that we did some social service and volunteer work in the community and we would also be graded on...
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Meet Dwishojoyee Banerjee: The girl who is saving the planet, one paper bag at a time
Dwishojoyee is a young environmental activist from Patna, Bihar and the founder of The Soft Movement: an initiative that promotes sustainable practices by replacing plastic bags and distributing free recycled newspaper bags to the local vendors. She currently resides in...
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CEO Interview: The journey of making a kinder world
As aidbees moves ahead in the journey of transforming the world through kindness, read my interview with Team Sociobits:   Zamrooda Khanday, the CEO of aidbees joined the company around three years ago. She comes from a social work background, and kindness...
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Creating My Own Narrative – Eliminating Digital Boundaries: Jasmine Sethi
“So much of starting a business or effecting change boils down to having the confidence and courage to simply try!” - Simon Sinek. December 3rd marks the International Day of Disabled Persons which aims to promote awareness of disability issues...
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Rajesh Thiruvalla and his journey from being an abandoned child to providing a shelter for the elderly and homeless
Rajesh Thiruvalla from Kerala is one of the many kindness heroes whose struggles have transformed the lives of many! He runs the Mahatma Janasevana Kendram, a safe shelter for the elderly and abandoned individuals in Kerala. Kindness for Rajesh comes...
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Meet the unsung Kindness Heroes of India: This is their story!
What does it mean to be kind? Kindness does not operate on categories or conventions. Every kind act, whether big or small, should be applauded and respected. The only convention of kindness has to deal with helping others and yourself....
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Kindness- The Way to Unity : Rekha Shahani
I feel your feelings. My wisdom flows from the Highest source. I salute that source in you. Let’s work for unity and love. -Mahatma Gandhi   Kindness unites us. It has the power to change the world, if we choose...
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A Humble ssstart To My Life : Puneet Singhal
My life journey has been like a roller coaster so far. I was born in a slum in New Delhi called Sangam Vihar. It is one of Asia’s largest unauthorized slum colony and home to a vast number of the...
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Friendly Reminder- Stay Kind To Animals! : Dr. Cliff Redford
Ever since I was a child I was fascinated by the animals around me and so it was no surprise to those who knew me that I became a veterinarian. What has been a surprise, and a very pleasant one...
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Peace Education Works! : Kirthi Jayakumar
If you were a superhero, what would your superpower be? And why? What is your greatest fear in life? I asked different groups of students I meet on a regular basis for Peace Education programs, both these questions. The students ranged from...
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