Guest Blogs

Kindness- The Way to Unity : Rekha Shahani
I feel your feelings. My wisdom flows from the Highest source. I salute that source in you. Let’s work for unity and love. -Mahatma Gandhi   Kindness unites us. It has the power to change the world, if we choose...
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A Humble ssstart To My Life : Puneet Singhal
My life journey has been like a roller coaster so far. I was born in a slum in New Delhi called Sangam Vihar. It is one of Asia’s largest unauthorized slum colony and home to a vast number of the...
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Friendly Reminder- Stay Kind To Animals! : Dr. Cliff Redford
Ever since I was a child I was fascinated by the animals around me and so it was no surprise to those who knew me that I became a veterinarian. What has been a surprise, and a very pleasant one...
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Peace Education Works! : Kirthi Jayakumar
If you were a superhero, what would your superpower be? And why? What is your greatest fear in life? I asked different groups of students I meet on a regular basis for Peace Education programs, both these questions. The students ranged from...
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Change the world. Give every child their right to education : Seema Seth
Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. - Nelson Mandela Education and literacy doesn't only mean academic knowledge, it also contains awareness about oneself and the world. Children are the future of a...
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Your Annual Reminder for Kindness This Pride Month: Brindaalakshmi K
Kind reminder: Being queer and trans friendly needn’t be exclusively reserved for every June. Queer and transgender persons deserve the same kindness throughout the remaining 11 months too! With that note, I would like to share a quick list of...
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Life is seriously funny: Stay kind to self and others!
Being kind to others begins with yourself. Let me briefly touch various facets of our lives and share my view on how does kindness play out.  Let’s begin with parents. And for a moment imagine your parents don’t have a...
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The Value of Kindness Amidst A Global Pandemic: Havovi Wadia
It has taken a pandemic of the proportion of Covid-19, to make it okay to be kind in the twenty-first century. An increasingly management-studies governed development sector and the growing influence of what is loosely called ‘corporate culture’ had much...
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why waste
Why Waste? Water, Life.
Close your eyes and imagine that you have just woken up. You are excited to start the day. You run to your bathroom for ablutions. You open the tap, but there is not a single drop of water! You run...
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Extra Mile to Kindness
When I was told to write a paragraph on kindness, it gave me a chance to reflect deeply on this seemingly simple word, but yet which defines the very basic trait of humanity. How often we use words like honesty,...
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