Kindness Begins at Home

Kindness. social kindness.

There is an old saying – Charity begins at home! Similarly, kindness also begins at home! We have been told to be kind to people, whether they are our colleagues at work, our friends, relatives, parents, children, or even strangers! But how many of us are being kind to ourselves first?

If you practice kindness with yourself, being kind will become part of your DNA! Once kindness becomes part of your DNA, you will always practice kindness in every situation and with everyone else, irrespective of gender, caste, creed, religion, or faith! What does kindness mean to you?

To me kindness means, treating everyone with respect, as a human being and as an individual! Being empathetic to others, without passing judgments or creating opinions on what they do, how they behave, etc. However, when it comes to being kind to ourselves, it means having self-belief and faith in our own capabilities, realizing our own self-worth, accepting both successes and failures, as part of life! We have this habit of always comparing ourselves with others! Be it with colleagues at the workplace, our friends, our acquaintances, relatives etc.

We are always worried about the success or achievement of others and then beating ourselves for not being as successful enough! And this creates a lot of mental stress for us and causing a lot of problems for ourselves as well as for those around us! What is the outcome? We end up going into depression and victim mode, always worrying about what others have but we do not! Instead of doing this, if we start appreciating what we have now, we are satisfied and contented with the present, instead of always delving into our past failures or worrying about the future, we would be kind to ourselves! And, in the process, we will realize our own self-worth, will be more self-confident and life would be so much more blissful! So, in order to practice real kindness in life, we must be kind to ourselves first!


Colonel Aditya Singhal

#kindnessmatters #aidbees #socialkindnessplatform

About the author: Col. Aditya is a career coach and is one of our kindness champions. We are pleased to have him as a guest on our blog.

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