August 2021

Women’s Equality Day
It is an annual event in The United States. Women’s Equality Day commemorates American women achieving full voting rights under the U.S Constitution by the passage of the 19th Amendment in 1920. This historic event was the culmination of a...
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A Pioneer in Education – Uncle Moosa
"Constant kindness can accomplish much. As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust, and hostility to evaporate"                  Albert Schweitzer's words have been elegantly epitomized by  Shri Sathyanarayan Mundayoor  or Uncle...
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A Story of Compassion and Resilience
While much of the pandemic has been a story of misery and loss, it has also been one of compassion and resilience - of individuals and societies coming together and not just surviving but looking at it as an opportunity...
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Kindness in the COVID World
As much as a vaccine, the world today needs kindness. Perhaps more so. Millions have reduced access to employment, income, resources and their erstwhile support structure of extended family and friends. At different levels people are still coming to terms...
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