
Beyond Conformity – Celebrating Uniqueness : Archana Chandra
As humans we have an innate need to belong. However, this fierce need often leads to a deep craving to conform to the rules of the society we live in. Hence we behave in ways that are expected of us-...
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Meet Kashvi Jindal: This Young Entrepreneur Helps The Underprivileged Communities Gain Financial Literacy
At an age where teenagers explore technology and the newer ways of being, Kashvi Jindal from Gurugram explored a new way to help the underprivileged. This is her story of kindness, support and intellect!  17 years old Kashvi is the...
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Unlocking The Power of Kindness in Our Schools: Priya Ramteke
"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched-they must be felt with the heart." -Helen Keller Time and again, there are moments in life that challenge your core beliefs and bring you to ...
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Creating My Own Narrative – Eliminating Digital Boundaries: Jasmine Sethi
“So much of starting a business or effecting change boils down to having the confidence and courage to simply try!” - Simon Sinek. December 3rd marks the International Day of Disabled Persons which aims to promote awareness of disability issues...
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Kindness- The Way to Unity : Rekha Shahani
I feel your feelings. My wisdom flows from the Highest source. I salute that source in you. Let’s work for unity and love. -Mahatma Gandhi   Kindness unites us. It has the power to change the world, if we choose...
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A Humble ssstart To My Life : Puneet Singhal
My life journey has been like a roller coaster so far. I was born in a slum in New Delhi called Sangam Vihar. It is one of Asia’s largest unauthorized slum colony and home to a vast number of the...
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Peace Education Works! : Kirthi Jayakumar
If you were a superhero, what would your superpower be? And why? What is your greatest fear in life? I asked different groups of students I meet on a regular basis for Peace Education programs, both these questions. The students ranged from...
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This man is running a free school for children under a metro bridge in Delhi
This is the story of a changemaker who believed in the power of education and kindness. What it resulted in came to be known as the “Free School Under the Bridge”.  Rajesh Kumar Sharma from Delhi has been running a...
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Change the world. Give every child their right to education : Seema Seth
Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. - Nelson Mandela Education and literacy doesn't only mean academic knowledge, it also contains awareness about oneself and the world. Children are the future of a...
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Meet the “Tunnel Man of India” : Amai Mahalinga Naik and his journey of transforming a barren land
In a small village called Kepu near Mangalore, Karnataka, lives a 70 year old Amai Mahalinga Naik who has transformed his barren land into a flourishing farm.  He resorted to traditional techniques of agriculture and single-handedly developed an organic agriculture...
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