Volunteering – Then. Now. Next

Volunteering over the last two decades has become a term widely used by students, recruiters, social organisations, and even corporations. The bigger question is why has it become such a quintessential part of one’s journey through life. Volunteering helps in so many ways like : 

  1. Bringing you closer to your society.
  2. Connecting you to new people who have similar thoughts and ideas.
  3. Immersing yourself in problems at a ground level.
  4. Protecting your mental and physical health by giving back. 
  5. Advancing your career.

While these points are very brief, they aid us in so many more ways than just these. When volunteering for opportunities around hygiene, sanitation, and the environment you feel closer to nature and feel a sense of ownership towards maintaining a clean and sustainable environment around you. Another key benefit from volunteering is meeting and networking with people who connect to your ideas and beliefs; this, in turn, broadens your support network. When you immerse yourself in a problem at the grass-root level you also understand what are the actions you can take as an individual to improve the situation, sharing your impact with your friends and family has shown to inspire more volunteering and acts of kindness. Volunteering promotes your self-confidence while exposing you to positive emotions like empathy, care and also enabling you to combat negative emotions like stress, anxiety, and depression. Volunteering gives us a sense of purpose and direction with where we want to go and what we want to do. 

In the current times, people are able to volunteer both remotely and physically through various programs that aid child education, content writing, proposal building, and many more. We urge you to take up volunteering roles at your own comfort to see how it can change you and your perspectives. If you have already taken part in a program, please do share your experience with us in the comments below or on the aidbees platform so it can inspire many more to do the same.  


#Volunteer #Share #SocialKindness #BeKind #ShareYourSkills #HelpOthers

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