aidbees the social kindness platform

Exploring the अब-USE Gallery
“The highest mode of corruption is the abuse of power.” - Auliq Ice The exhibition of artworks created by us, the key stage 3 (Grades 8 to 12) students of Riverside School, is our attempt to portray the many thoughts,...
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aidbees in making
On a hot, sultry May afternoon, of 2020, the founders Ashwani and Rashmie, cobbled up a team to expand the idea that their 13-year-old had come up with – that of channelizing the zeal of the smallest of individual contributors...
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Marcus Rashford – The Footballer, The Philanthropist
Starting his professional football career at 17 with arguably one of the biggest clubs in the world i.e. Manchester United, Marcus Rashford was raised by a single mother who often took up multiple jobs to feed her family. His mother...
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What does the youth think
The word youth, more often than not, gets interlinked to brashness, unaccountability, dispassionate, so on and so forth. So, it was a pleasant surprise of sorts to hear 6 of them, between the age group of 14-25, put forth their...
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Tulasi Munda – A ray of hope through Education
Born in 1947, Tulasi Munda started exhibiting her freedom and fresh way of thinking at a very young age in Orissa. While children in her locality played, tended to agriculture or worked in iron ore mines, Tulasi wanted to study....
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The Social Kindness Journey Begins
And we are live…welcome to aidbees! The bees are buzzing and humming and waiting for you to join them in their kindness journey. We went live with our 27 NGO partners on 14th of Jan. and I take this opportunity...
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Kindness is in Everyone
Over the years, I have observed a few things. Let me start with “kindness is in everyone”, however cliched it may sound. There is, however, a very wide range in terms of how an act of kindness manifests, both in...
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Let It Go
‘Let it go’ as the name suggests is all about forgetting about the past and its miseries, letting go of nostalgia.  “This is the mindset that we want to spread across the world, first we started from our class, then...
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How Employment Can Improve the Livelihood of Poor "Development happens through jobs" This statement sums up the reality that the exit to poverty and poor households is creating an expansion of employment and this is the way economies grow and...
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Human Rights
Basics of Human Rights Human rights are needed to live a life with dignity. These are certain basic rights that all Human beings are entitled to. Human rights include civil and political rights, such as: * The right to freedom...
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