aidbees the social kindness platform

Extra Mile to Kindness
When I was told to write a paragraph on kindness, it gave me a chance to reflect deeply on this seemingly simple word, but yet which defines the very basic trait of humanity. How often we use words like honesty,...
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Report on Cleanliness Drive on Gandhi Jayanti
Navodaya English High School and Junior College, Thane organized a Community Cleanliness Drive under the mission of Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan introduced by the Honourable Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi on the the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti, 2nd October 2021. The...
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Raining Raincoats!
Dipa became a migrant worker champion by accident, you could say. On a wet afternoon in 2014, while driving her son to tennis practice, she passed a construction site where a group of workers was dressed in waste bags as...
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Kindness through Education
Maurice Elias, a professor in the Rutgers University Psychology Department, and an advocate for kindness in school states: “As a citizen, grandparent, father, and professional, it is clear to me that the mission of schools must include teaching kindness. Without...
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Love For Strays
“It takes nothing from a human to be kind to an animal.” ‘Love for Strays’ is a movement undertaken by Khushi Agarwal, a student of HLC Grade 8, as a small attempt to spread awareness about the importance of kindness...
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Celebrating Kindness with GEMS Genesis International
Kindness at GGiS has a different flavour and the Letters of Appreciation as well as Paint Your Thoughts activity is proof of it.  We got our learners thinking about ‘What kindness means to them?’ They discussed the significance of kindness...
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Teacher’s Day Special with Kindness
Teachers’ day is a very auspicious event for teachers. This is that one day that remarks all the efforts and hard work teachers put in, to see their children shining. Our school never forgets to give each one of our...
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Kindness of Teachers
Nearly all of us have been touched by the kindness of a teacher sometime in our lives. Be it giving us that much-needed encouragement when we felt we could never crack a Math problem or overlooking our naughtiness in class,...
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The Octopus Initiative
“When people know better, they do better” is the value that Octopus, a social initiative started by students at HLC International, was built on.  This ‘for students, by students’ initiative, was started at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, to...
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Child Rights and Me   
Success Stories from Riverside School Ahmedabad.  Children's rights are the human rights of children with particular attention to the rights of special protection and care afforded to minors, including their right to association with both parents, human identity as well...
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